Cases of success

DAVINSY Subterranean Chamber Monitoring System

Cases of success

DAVINSY Subterranean Chamber Monitoring System

Davinsy ATP® subway chambers (CS), is a monitoring and supervision system of the main variables associated with subway chambers, to ensure reliable power supply, improving SAIDI and SAIFI indicators, reducing operating costs, avoiding replacements due to transformer damage.

Bogotá, Cundinamarca

Improve SAIDI (Time of interruption duration) and SAIFI (Frequency of interruption in a given period) quality indexes.

The Davinsy ATP® – Underground Chambers Monitoring System, twenty (20) power supply stations were installed in the capital city of Bogota, through which the most critical variables of each of the different subway chambers can be visualized in real time, for example: the state of the water level inside the subway chamber, including emergency alarms via telephone in case of flooding inside the subway chambers.

Enel Colombia

Advantages and Benefits:

  • Monitoring Data Management via automation and IoT.
  • Real-time access from office to critical variables inside the subterranean chambers, including internal water level around the transformers.
  • Time saving in planning, moving and executing for optimal use of water extraction pumps.
  • Short circuit prevention for transformers by warnings on low-medium-high water levels inside the subterranean chambers.
  • Alarm prompts related to events inside the subterranean chamber via text messages (SMS), addressed to personnel in charge of the corresponding process.
Davinsy Platform – Underground Camera Monitoring System installed in Cundinamarca.
It was possible to detect 138 openings in the different subway chambers, carrying out 31 operations to solve flooding inside the chambers and avoiding undue interruptions that affect the frequency (SAIFI) and duration of failures (SAIDI) indicators of the energy supply to customers. The system even allowed scheduling predictive maintenance, to avoid power supply failures even before they occur.
For more information:
View Enel Codensa’s Digital Press Release:

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