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productosProducts / Cables and accessories /Accessories for underground network / Resiempalme straight for subway network

Resin splice for low voltage subway cable

Adequate sealing is essential to ensure the preservation of the service life of a subway distribution system as well as the risk of short circuits. ATP® RESIEMPALME is designed to ensure the perfect tightness of subway junctions and branches.

Ficha del productoProduct sheet



  • Copper or aluminum connectors.
  • Allows straight or branch connections (single or double).
  • Self-extinguishing urethane resin.
  • Encapsulation system with silicone molds.
  • Fast drying urethane resin. 10 minutes maximum.
  • Encapsulated splices insulate the electrical connection while encapsulating it.
  • UV resistant.
  • No resin waste.
  • Silicone mold allows marking of company logo and date of splice execution.
  • No resin waste.

Ventajas y beneficios

Advantages and benefits

  • Fast and safe connection.
  • Reliable: Guarantees total hermeticity and is self-extinguishing.
  • 2 in one system. Insulates and encapsulates at the same time.
  • Fast: Can be demolded in 10 minutes.
  • Easy to install: No heat sources needed.
  • Economical: The mold is reusable and contains all the elements for a safe connection.
  • Safe: Resin compatible with commonly used cable insulation.
  • Ensures long cable life.
  • Ideal for monitoring and control of work execution.
  • Ecological: minimum material waste.

Tabla de selección

Selection table



RE-RA Straight splice with aluminum cable. AWG aluminum connector. Special resins.
RE-DA Branch splice with aluminum cable. AWG aluminum connector. Special resins.
RE-RC Straight splice with copper cable. AWG copper connector. Special resins.
RE-DC Copper cable branch splice. AWG copper connector. Special resins.
RE-ECOR Straight splice for ecological cable. AWG aluminum connector. Resins. Tape.
RE-ECOD Branch splice for ecological cable. AWG aluminum connector. Resins. Tape
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