productosProducts / Energy /Loss recovery / Sellilínea
Sello de seguridad para evitar fraudes en red trenzada
Energy thefts in the twisted-pair network have increased and recovery rates for non-technical or commercial losses have deteriorated. ATP® SELLILINE prevents theft because it forms a hard seal that is virtually impossible to open.

- Manufactured with the latest technology formulations.
- Safety tape that guarantees impenetrability.
- Two-component resin, cement plus catalyst precisely dosed to ensure maximum reliability.
- Once mixed, you have 30 minutes to apply it.
- It is perfectly coupled to the polyethylene of the insulating jacket or to the aluminum of the supporting cable when it is bare.
- Withstands 90 ° C.
- No penetrating odors.
- Black color.
- Expansion coefficients greater than 5%.
- Sufficient material is supplied to cover up to 1500 mm of the network.
- Supplied with latex gloves for application.
Ventajas y beneficios
Advantages and benefits
- Hard structure and difficult to penetrate.
- Dosable.
- Does not affect health; as it has a very mild odor, it does not cause discomfort to those who apply it.
- Easy to apply.
- Safe.
- Reliable.
- Economical.
Tabla de selección
Selection table
SL-500 | Sellilínea. Security seal to prevent fraud in braided network. | 500 gr. | 40 gr. |